Over the years, Texas Solutions Group has been blessed to work on many and varied issues that impact our Texas rural communities: water, healthcare, agriculture, transportation and economic development.
Jeff Heckler, from our team, was appointed, by Governor Bill Clements. to the Texas Commission on Rural Economic Development. Mr. Heckler was director to the Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas, and was the primary researcher, author and editor of the task force report to the Legislature. He also was one of the chief architects of the landmark legislation the Omnibus Health Care Rescue Act of 1989 or House Bill 18. HB 18: created a statewide trauma system; created the Office of Rural Health Initiatives; removed statutory impediments to allow rural health clinics to flourish among other issues. That is to say, we have a long and strong commitment to the health and prosperity of our rural communities.
To that end, we decided to publish an e-newsletter entitled Texas Sunrise to bring the latest in rural policy information to those who live and breathe it. Enjoy!
If you want to subscribe to Texas Sunrise please contact us at [email protected]
Interview with State Representative Doc Anderson
Texas Sunrise: Rep. Anderson tell us a little about yourself.
Doc Anderson: Call me Doc. Everybody does. My name is Charles “Doc “ Anderson and I am a retired veterinarian from Waco Texas. I’ve had the honor of serving as the State House Representative for District 56 for about 16 years. I currently serve as the chair of the Legislative Rural Caucus which is comprised of House and Senate members. Our rural caucus’ mission directs us to help uplift our Texas rural communities through better rural public policies. You know, we try as best we can to improve the way of life in rural Texas.